
18 October 2008


habit (noun)
hair (noun)
1half (noun)
2half (pronoun)
3half (adjective)
4half (adverb)
1hammer (noun)
1hand (noun)
2hand (verb)
1handle (noun)
2handle (verb)
handsome (adjective)
handwriting (noun)
1hang (verb)
happen (verb)
happy (adjective)
1harbor (noun)
1hard (adjective)
2hard (adverb)
hardly (adverb)
hardware (noun)
1harm (noun)
2harm (verb)
harsh (adjective)
1harvest (noun)
hat (noun)
1hatch (noun)
2hatch (verb)
1hate (noun)
2hate (verb)
have (verb)
1he (pronoun)
1head (noun)
2head (verb)
heal (verb)
1health (noun)
healthy (adjective)
hear (verb)
hearing (noun)

heart (noun)
1heat (noun)
2heat (verb)
heaven (noun)
1heavy (adjective)
1heel (noun)
height (noun)
hell (noun)
hello (noun)
1help (verb)
2help (noun)
helpful (adjective)
hence (adverb)
1her (adjective)
2her (pronoun)
1here (adverb)
hero (noun)
hers (pronoun)
herself (pronoun)
hesitate (verb)
1hide (verb)
1high (adjective)
2high (adverb)
1highlight (noun)
2highlight (verb)
highway (noun)
hill (noun)
him (pronoun)
himself (pronoun)
1hint (noun)
1hip (noun)
1hire (verb)
2hire (noun)
1his (adjective)
2his (pronoun)
historical (adjective)
history (noun)

1hit (verb)
2hit (noun)
hobby (noun)
1hold (verb)
2hold (noun)
1hole (noun)
1holiday (noun)
1hollow (adjective)
holy (adjective)
1home (noun)
2home (adverb)
homework (noun)
1honest (adjective)
honesty (noun)
1honor (noun)
2honor (verb)
1hook (noun)
2hook (verb)
1hop (verb)
2hop (noun)
1hope (verb)
2hope (noun)
1hopeful (adjective)
horizontal (adjective)
1horn (noun)
1horror (noun)
1horse (noun)
1hose (noun)
hospital (noun)
1host (noun)
1hot (adjective)
hotel (noun)
hour (noun)
1house (noun)
1household (noun)
1how (adverb)
2how (conjunction)
1however (adverb)
2however (conjunction)

1hug (verb)
huge (adjective)
1human (adjective)
2human (noun)
1humble (adjective)
1humor (noun)
1hunger (noun)
hungry (adjective)
1hunt (verb)
1hurry (verb)
2hurry (noun)
1hurt (verb)
2hurt (adjective)
1husband (noun)


1I (pronoun)
1ice (noun)
idea (noun)
1ideal (adjective)
2ideal (noun)
identical (adjective)
identification (noun)
identify (verb)
identity (noun)
1if (conjunction)
ignore (verb)
1ill (adjective)
2ill (adverb)
illegal (adjective)
illness (noun)
illustrate (verb)
image (noun)
imaginary (adjective)
imagination (noun)
imagine (verb)
imitate (verb)
immediate (adjective)
immigrant (noun)
immoral (adjective)
1impact (noun)
impatient (adjective)
1import (verb)
2import (noun)
importance (noun)
important (adjective)
impress (verb)
impression (noun)

impressive (adjective)
improve (verb)
improvement (noun)
1in (preposition)
2in (adverb)
1inch (noun)
incident (noun)
include (verb)
income (noun)
1increase (verb)
2increase (noun)
indeed (adverb)
independence (noun)
1independent (adjective)
1index (noun)
indicate (verb)
1individual (adjective)
2individual (noun)
industrial (adjective)
industry (noun)
inevitable (adjective)
1infant (noun)
infect (verb)
infection (noun)
1influence (noun)
2influence (verb)
inform (verb)
informal (adjective)
information (noun)
ingredient (noun)
2initial (noun)
initiative (noun)
injure (verb)
injury (noun)

1ink (noun)
inner (adjective)
innocent (adjective)
insect (noun)
1insert (verb)
1inside (noun)
2inside (adjective)
3inside (preposition)
4inside (adverb)
insist (verb)
inspect (verb)
install (verb)
instance (noun)
1instant (noun)
2instant (adjective)
instead (adverb)
1institute (noun)
institution (noun)
instruction (noun)
instrument (noun)
1insult (verb)
2insult (noun)
insurance (noun)
intelligence (noun)
intelligent (adjective)
intend (verb)
intense (adjective)
intention (noun)
1interest (noun)
2interest (verb)
interesting (adjective)
1interior (adjective)
2interior (noun)
interjection (noun)
internal (adjective)
international (adjective)

Internet (noun)
interpret (verb)
interrupt (verb)
interval (noun)
1interview (noun)
2interview (verb)
into (preposition)
introduce (verb)
introduction (noun)
invade (verb)
invent (verb)
invention (noun)
invest (verb)
investigate (verb)
investment (noun)
invitation (noun)
1invite (verb)
involve (verb)
1iron (noun)
2iron (adjective)
irritate (verb)
island (noun)
isolated (adjective)
1issue (noun)
2issue (verb)
1it (pronoun)
1itch (verb)
2itch (noun)
item (noun)
its (adjective)


jacket (noun)
1jail (noun)
1jam (verb)
1jar (noun)
1jaw (noun)
jealous (adjective)
jelly (noun)
1jet (noun)
jewel (noun)
jewelry (noun)
job (noun)
join (verb)
1joint (noun)
2joint (adjective)
1joke (noun)
2joke (verb)
journal (noun)
1journey (noun)
joy (noun)
1judge (verb)
2judge (noun)
judgment (noun)
1juice (noun)
1jump (verb)
2jump (noun)
1junior (adjective)
2junior (noun)
jury (noun)
1just (adjective)
2just (adverb)
justify (verb)


1keen (adjective)
1keep (verb)
1key (noun)
2key (adjective)
1kick (verb)
2kick (noun)
1kid (noun)
1kill (verb)
1kind (noun)
2kind (adjective)
king (noun)
kingdom (noun)
1kiss (verb)
2kiss (noun)
kitchen (noun)
1knee (noun)
kneel (verb)
1knife (noun)
1knit (verb)
1knock (verb)
2knock (noun)
1knot (noun)
1know (verb)
knowledge (noun)


1label (noun)
2label (verb)
1labor (noun)
2labor (verb)
laboratory (noun)
1lack (verb)
2lack (noun)
ladder (noun)
lady (noun)
lake (noun)
lamp (noun)
1land (noun)
2land (verb)
lane (noun)
language (noun)
1large (adjective)
1last (verb)
2last (adjective)
3last (adverb)
4last (pronoun)
1late (adjective)
2late (adverb)
latter (adjective)
1laugh (verb)
2laugh (noun)
1launch (verb)
2launch (noun)
law (noun)
lawyer (noun)
1lay (verb)
lazy (adjective)
1lead (verb)
2lead (noun)
leader (noun)
1leaf (noun)
1league (noun)
1leak (verb)
2leak (noun)
1lean (verb)
learn (verb)
1least (adjective)
2least (noun)
3least (adverb)

leather (noun)
1leave (verb)
1lecture (noun)
1left (adjective)
2left (adverb)
3left (noun)
1leg (noun)
legal (adjective)
lemon (noun)
lend (verb)
length (noun)
1less (adjective)
2less (adverb)
3less (pronoun)
lesson (noun)
1let (verb)
1letter (noun)
1level (noun)
2level (adjective)
3level (verb)
1liberal (adjective)
2liberal (noun)
liberty (noun)
library (noun)
1license (noun)
lid (noun)
1lie (verb)
3lie (verb)
4lie (noun)
1life (noun)
2lift (noun)
1light (noun)
2light (adjective)
3light (verb)
4light (adjective)
1like (verb)
3like (preposition)
7like (conjunction)
1likely (adjective)
1limit (noun)
2limit (verb)
1line (noun)
2line (verb)
1link (verb)
2link (noun)
lip (noun)
1liquid (noun)
2liquid (adjective)

1list (noun)
2list (verb)
1listen (verb)
literary (adjective)
literature (noun)
1little (adjective)
2little (adverb)
3little (pronoun)
1live (verb)
2live (adjective)
3live (adverb)
1load (noun)
2load (verb)
1loaf (noun)
1loan (noun)
2loan (verb)
1local (adjective)
locate (verb)
location (noun)
1lock (noun)
2lock (verb)
logic (noun)
logical (adjective)
lonely (adjective)
1long (adjective)
2long (adverb)
1look (verb)
2look (noun)
1loose (adjective)
1lord (noun)
loss (noun)
2lost (adjective)
lot (noun)
loud (adjective)
1love (noun)
2love (verb)
1lovely (adjective)
1low (adjective)
2low (adverb)
1lower (adjective)
2lower (verb)
loyal (adjective)

1luck (noun)
lucky (adjective)
luggage (noun)
1lump (noun)
1lunch (noun)
lung (noun)


1machine (noun)
mad (adjective)
magazine (noun)
1magic (noun)
2magic (adjective)
1mail (noun)
2mail (verb)
1main (adjective)
maintain (verb)
1major (adjective)
majority (noun)
1make (verb)
1male (adjective)
2male (noun)
1man (noun)
manage (verb)
management (noun)
manager (noun)
manner (noun)
1manufacture (verb)
1many (adjective)
2many (pronoun)
1map (noun)
1march (verb)
2march (noun)
margin (noun)
1mark (noun)
2mark (verb)
1market (noun)
marriage (noun)
1mass (noun)
1master (noun)
1match (noun)
2match (verb)
1mate (noun)
1material (noun)

mathematics (noun)
1matter (noun)
2matter (verb)
1maximum (noun)
2maximum (adjective)
may (verb)
1maybe (adverb)
mayor (noun)
1me (pronoun)
1meal (noun)
1mean (verb)
2mean (adjective)
meaning (noun)
means (noun)
1meanwhile (adverb)
1measure (noun)
2measure (verb)
measurement (noun)
meat (noun)
mechanical (adjective)
mechanism (noun)
2media (noun)
1medical (adjective)
medicine (noun)
1medium (noun)
2medium (adjective)
1meet (verb)
meeting (noun)
1melt (verb)
member (noun)
memory (noun)
mental (adjective)
1mention (verb)
menu (noun)

mercy (noun)
mere (adjective)
merely (adverb)
merry (adjective)
1mess (noun)
message (noun)
metal (noun)
1meter (noun)
method (noun)
1middle (adjective)
2middle (noun)
midnight (noun)
1might (verb)
mild (adjective)
mile (noun)
1military (adjective)
2military (noun)
1milk (noun)
1mill (noun)
1mind (noun)
2mind (verb)
1mine (pronoun)
2mine (noun)
mineral (noun)
1minimum (noun)
2minimum (adjective)
1minister (noun)
1minor (adjective)
minority (noun)
1minute (noun)
1mirror (noun)
1miss (verb)
2miss (noun)
mission (noun)
1mistake (noun)
2mistake (verb)

1mix (verb)
2mix (noun)
mixture (noun)
1mobile (adjective)
mode (noun)
1model (noun)
1moderate (adjective)
1modern (adjective)
modest (adjective)
moment (noun)
money (noun)
1monitor (noun)
2monitor (verb)
month (noun)
1mood (noun)
1moon (noun)
1moral (adjective)
1more (adjective)
2more (adverb)
3more (pronoun)
morning (noun)
1most (adjective)
2most (adverb)
3most (noun)
4most (pronoun)
mostly (adverb)
1mother (noun)
1motion (noun)
1motor (noun)
1mount (verb)
mouse (noun)
1mouth (noun)
1move (verb)
2move (noun)
movement (noun)
movie (noun)
1much (adjective)
2much (adverb)
3much (pronoun)

mud (noun)
multiply (verb)
1murder (noun)
2murder (verb)
1muscle (noun)
museum (noun)
music (noun)
1musical (adjective)
musician (noun)
1must (verb)
mutual (adjective)
my (adjective)
myself (pronoun)
mysterious (adjective)
mystery (noun)


1nail (noun)
2nail (verb)
naked (adjective)
1name (noun)
2name (verb)
1narrow (adjective)
nation (noun)
1national (adjective)
1native (adjective)
2native (noun)
1natural (adjective)
naturally (adverb)
nature (noun)
navy (noun)
1near (adverb)
2near (preposition)
3near (adjective)
nearby (adjective)
nearly (adverb)
neat (adjective)
1necessary (adjective)
1neck (noun)
1need (verb)
2need (noun)
1needle (noun)
1negative (adjective)
neighbor (noun)
neighborhood (noun)
1neither (adjective)
2neither (pronoun)
nephew (noun)
nerve (noun)
nervous (adjective)
1nest (noun)
1net (noun)
1network (noun)
1neutral (adjective)

never (adverb)
nevertheless (adverb)
1new (adjective)
newly (adverb)
news (noun)
newspaper (noun)
1next (adjective)
2next (adverb)
3next (pronoun)
nice (adjective)
niece (noun)
1night (noun)
no one (pronoun)
1no (adverb)
2no (adjective)
1nobody (pronoun)
noise (noun)
noisy (adjective)
1none (pronoun)
noon (noun)
nor (conjunction)
1normal (adjective)
1north (noun)
2north (adjective)
3north (adverb)
northern (adjective)
1nose (noun)
not (adverb)
1note (noun)
2note (verb)
1notice (noun)
2notice (verb)
noticeable (adjective)
notion (noun)
noun (noun)
1novel (noun)

1now (adverb)
1nowhere (adverb)
nuclear (adjective)
1number (noun)
numerous (adjective)
1nurse (noun)
nut (noun)


o'clock (adverb)
obey (verb)
1object (noun)
2object (verb)
objection (noun)
1objective (adjective)
2objective (noun)
1observation (noun)
observe (verb)
obtain (verb)
obvious (adjective)
1occasion (noun)
occupation (noun)
occupy (verb)
occur (verb)
ocean (noun)
October (noun)
odd (adjective)
odor (noun)
of (preposition)
1off (adverb)
2off (preposition)
offend (verb)
offense (noun)
1offensive (adjective)
1offer (verb)
2offer (noun)
office (noun)
officer (noun)
1official (adjective)
often (adverb)
1oh (interjection)
1oil (noun)
1OK (adverb)
2OK (adjective)

old-fashioned (adjective)
1old (adjective)
1on (preposition)
2on (adverb)
3on (adjective)
1once (adverb)
2once (noun)
1one (noun)
2one (pronoun)
3one (adjective)
oneself (pronoun)
1only (adjective)
2only (adverb)
onto (preposition)
1open (adjective)
2open (verb)
3open (noun)
1opening (noun)
operate (verb)
operation (noun)
opinion (noun)
opponent (noun)
opportunity (noun)
oppose (verb)
1opposite (adjective)
2opposite (adverb)
3opposite (noun)
4opposite (preposition)
opposition (noun)
option (noun)
orange (noun)
1order (noun)
2order (verb)
1ordinary (adjective)
organ (noun)
organization (noun)
organize (verb)
origin (noun)
1original (adjective)
2original (noun)
originally (adverb)
1other (adjective)
2other (pronoun)

1otherwise (adverb)
ought (verb)
ounce (noun)
our (adjective)
ours (pronoun)
ourselves (pronoun)
1out (adverb)
outcome (noun)
1outdoors (adverb)
2outdoors (noun)
outer (adjective)
1outline (noun)
2outline (verb)
1output (noun)
1outside (noun)
2outside (adjective)
3outside (adverb)
4outside (preposition)
outstanding (adjective)
1outward (adjective)
2outward (adverb)
oven (noun)
1over (adverb)
2over (preposition)
1overall (adverb)
2overall (adjective)
overcome (verb)
overwhelm (verb)
owe (verb)
1own (adjective)
3own (verb)
owner (noun)
ownership (noun)


p.m. (abbreviation)
1pace (noun)
1pack (noun)
2pack (verb)
1package (noun)
1pad (noun)
1page (noun)
1pain (noun)
1paint (noun)
2paint (verb)
painting (noun)
1pair (noun)
1pale (adjective)
1pan (noun)
1panel (noun)
pants (noun)
1paper (noun)
1parade (noun)
paragraph (noun)
1parallel (adjective)
parent (noun)
1park (noun)
2park (verb)
parliament (noun)
1part (noun)
participate (verb)
particle (noun)
1particular (adjective)
partly (adverb)
1partner (noun)
1pass (verb)
passage (noun)

passenger (noun)
passion (noun)
1past (adjective)
2past (preposition)
3past (noun)
4past (adverb)
1paste (noun)
1pat (verb)
1patch (noun)
path (noun)
patience (noun)
1patient (adjective)
2patient (noun)
1pattern (noun)
1pause (noun)
2pause (verb)
1pay (verb)
2pay (noun)
payment (noun)
peace (noun)
peaceful (adjective)
1peak (noun)
1peel (verb)
2peel (noun)
1pen (noun)
3pen (noun)
penalty (noun)
1pencil (noun)
penny (noun)
1people (noun)
per (preposition)
percent (noun)
1perfect (adjective)
perform (verb)
performance (noun)
performer (noun)
1perfume (noun)

perhaps (adverb)
1period (noun)
1permanent (adjective)
permission (noun)
1permit (verb)
person (noun)
personal (adjective)
personality (noun)
personally (adverb)
persuade (verb)
pest (noun)
1pet (noun)
petal (noun)
1phase (noun)
philosophy (noun)
1phone (noun)
2phone (verb)
1photograph (noun)
2photograph (verb)
photography (noun)
1phrase (noun)
1physical (adjective)
physics (noun)
1piano (noun)
1pick (verb)
1picture (noun)
1piece (noun)
1pig (noun)
1pile (noun)
2pile (verb)
1pilot (noun)
1pin (noun)
2pin (verb)

1pink (noun)
2pink (adjective)
1pipe (noun)
1pitch (noun)
2pitch (verb)
1pity (noun)
1place (noun)
2place (verb)
1plain (adjective)
1plan (noun)
2plan (verb)
planet (noun)
1plant (noun)
2plant (verb)
1plastic (noun)
2plastic (adjective)
1plate (noun)
platform (noun)
1play (verb)
2play (noun)
player (noun)
pleasant (adjective)
1please (adverb)
2please (verb)
pleasure (noun)
1plenty (pronoun)
1plot (noun)
1plus (adjective)
2plus (noun)
3plus (preposition)
poem (noun)
poetry (noun)
1point (noun)
2point (verb)
1poison (noun)
2poison (verb)
poisonous (adjective)
1pole (noun)
3pole (noun)
1police (noun)
1policy (noun)
1polish (verb)
2polish (noun)

polite (adjective)
political (adjective)
politician (noun)
politics (noun)
pollution (noun)
pond (noun)
1pool (noun)
poor (adjective)
1pop (verb)
popular (adjective)
population (noun)
1port (noun)
1portion (noun)
1pose (verb)
2pose (noun)
1position (noun)
1positive (adjective)
possess (verb)
possession (noun)
possibility (noun)
1possible (adjective)
possibly (adverb)
1post (noun)
2post (verb)
3post (noun)
4post (noun)
postage (noun)
1pot (noun)
potato (noun)
1potential (adjective)
1pound (noun)
pour (verb)
poverty (noun)
1power (noun)

powerful (adjective)
1practical (adjective)
1practice (verb)
2practice (noun)
1praise (verb)
2praise (noun)
pray (verb)
prayer (noun)
precise (adjective)
predict (verb)
prefer (verb)
preference (noun)
pregnant (adjective)
1prejudice (noun)
2prejudice (verb)
premise (noun)
preparation (noun)
prepare (verb)
preposition (noun)
presence (noun)
1present (noun)
2present (verb)
3present (adjective)
4present (noun)
1preserve (verb)
president (noun)
1press (noun)
2press (verb)
1pressure (noun)
1pretend (verb)
2pretty (adverb)
prevent (verb)
previous (adjective)
1price (noun)
1pride (noun)
priest (noun)
1primary (adjective)

prime minister (noun)
prince (noun)
princess (noun)
1principal (adjective)
principle (noun)
1print (verb)
2print (noun)
1prior (adjective)
prison (noun)
prisoner (noun)
1private (adjective)
1privilege (noun)
1prize (noun)
probable (adjective)
probably (adverb)
1problem (noun)
procedure (noun)
proceed (verb)
1process (noun)
2process (verb)
1produce (verb)
product (noun)
production (noun)
profession (noun)
1professional (adjective)
2professional (noun)
professor (noun)
1profit (noun)
1program (noun)
1progress (noun)
1project (noun)
2project (verb)
1promise (noun)
2promise (verb)
promote (verb)

pronoun (noun)
pronounce (verb)
1proof (noun)
1proper (adjective)
property (noun)
proportion (noun)
proposal (noun)
propose (verb)
1prospect (noun)
protect (verb)
protection (noun)
1protest (verb)
2protest (noun)
proud (adjective)
prove (verb)
provide (verb)
psychology (noun)
1public (adjective)
2public (noun)
publication (noun)
publish (verb)
1pull (verb)
2pull (noun)
1pump (noun)
2pump (verb)
1punch (verb)
2punch (noun)
punish (verb)
1pupil (noun)
1purchase (verb)
pure (adjective)
1purple (noun)
2purple (adjective)
purpose (noun)
pursue (verb)
1push (verb)
2push (noun)

1put (verb)
1puzzle (noun)
2puzzle (verb)


qualification (noun)
qualify (verb)
1quality (noun)
quantity (noun)
1quarter (noun)
queen (noun)
1question (noun)
2question (verb)
1quick (adjective)
2quick (adverb)
1quiet (adjective)
quit (verb)
quite (adverb)
1quote (verb)
2quote (noun)


1race (noun)
2race (verb)
3race (noun)
racial (adjective)
1radical (adjective)
1radio (noun)
1rail (noun)
1railroad (noun)
1rain (noun)
2rain (verb)
1raise (verb)
1range (noun)
1rank (noun)
2rank (verb)
rapid (adjective)
1rare (adjective)
1rate (noun)
2rate (verb)
rather (adverb)
ratio (noun)
1raw (adjective)
1reach (verb)
react (verb)
reaction (noun)
1read (verb)
reader (noun)
reading (noun)
1ready (adjective)
1real (adjective)
realistic (adjective)
realize (verb)
really (adverb)
1rear (noun)
2rear (adjective)
1reason (noun)

reasonable (adjective)
reasonably (adverb)
1recall (verb)
receive (verb)
recent (adjective)
reception (noun)
recognition (noun)
recognize (verb)
recommend (verb)
1record (noun)
2record (verb)
recover (verb)
1red (adjective)
2red (noun)
reduce (verb)
reduction (noun)
refer (verb)
1reference (noun)
reflect (verb)
1reform (verb)
2reform (noun)
refrigerator (noun)
1refuse (verb)
1regard (noun)
2regard (verb)
region (noun)
1register (noun)
2register (verb)
1regret (verb)
2regret (noun)
1regulation (noun)
1reject (verb)
relate (verb)
relation (noun)
relationship (noun)

1relative (noun)
2relative (adjective)
relax (verb)
1release (verb)
2release (noun)
relevant (adjective)
relief (noun)
relieve (verb)
religion (noun)
religious (adjective)
rely (verb)
remain (verb)
1remark (noun)
remarkable (adjective)
remember (verb)
remind (verb)
1remove (verb)
1rent (noun)
2rent (verb)
1repair (verb)
2repair (noun)
1repeat (verb)
replace (verb)
1reply (verb)
2reply (noun)
1report (noun)
2report (verb)
represent (verb)
1representative (adjective)
2representative (noun)
republic (noun)
reputation (noun)
1request (noun)
2request (verb)
require (verb)
requirement (noun)
1rescue (verb)
2rescue (noun)

1research (noun)
1reserve (verb)
2reserve (noun)
1resident (noun)
resign (verb)
resist (verb)
resistance (noun)
1resolve (verb)
resource (noun)
1respect (noun)
2respect (verb)
respond (verb)
response (noun)
responsibility (noun)
responsible (adjective)
1rest (noun)
2rest (noun)
3rest (verb)
restaurant (noun)
restore (verb)
restrict (verb)
1result (noun)
2result (verb)
retain (verb)
retire (verb)
1retirement (noun)
1return (verb)
2return (noun)
reveal (verb)
1reverse (verb)
3reverse (adjective)
1review (noun)
2review (verb)
revise (verb)
revision (noun)
revolution (noun)
1reward (noun)
2reward (verb)
1rhyme (noun)
2rhyme (verb)

rhythm (noun)
rice (noun)
rich (adjective)
rid (verb)
1ride (verb)
2ride (noun)
1right (adjective)
2right (adverb)
3right (noun)
1ring (noun)
3ring (verb)
1riot (noun)
2riot (verb)
1rise (verb)
2rise (noun)
1risk (noun)
2risk (verb)
river (noun)
road (noun)
rob (verb)
1rock (verb)
2rock (noun)
role (noun)
1roll (verb)
2roll (noun)
1romantic (adjective)
1roof (noun)
1room (noun)
1root (noun)
1rope (noun)
roughly (adverb)
1round (adjective)
2round (adverb)
3round (noun)
4round (verb)
5round (preposition)
1route (noun)
1routine (noun)
2routine (adjective)
1row (noun)
2row (verb)
1royal (adjective)
1rub (verb)
1rubber (noun)

rude (adjective)
rug (noun)
1ruin (verb)
1rule (noun)
2rule (verb)
1run (verb)
2run (noun)
1rush (verb)
2rush (noun)